Is US on a Quandary?
The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea or UNCLOS was signed in 1982 and formally it took effect in 1994 with over 160 countries joining to date along with members of the European Union and the United Nations Security Council, including China sans the United States. The UNCLOS defined the parameters governing sea boundaries and demarcations, the rights on the use of the sea for commerce, research, environment protection, mining, extraction of marine life and exploration of the seabed among others. The philosophical basis of the convention, in the words of the preamble, is to “contribute to the realization of a just and equitable international economic order which takes into account the interests and needs of mankind as a whole and, in particular, the special interests and needs of developing countries.” The convention declares that the deep seabed and its resources are the “common heritage of mankind” and may be mined only “for the benefit of mankind as a whole, irresp...