Why the Bangsamoro Basic Law (BBL) is flawed
The peace agreement is flawed ever since it was conducted and completed around but not within the limitations and boundaries provided by law and the Philippine constitution. It was erroneously inspired by the belief that the President’s power is unlimited. The chief of the MILF negotiating panel was perturbed, upon learning the misrepresentation by the executive branch that the latter has total, unbounded and absolute authority to negotiate and consummate the provisions of the agreement and the proposed BBL. A flaw in the part is a flaw in the whole. The Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) is a rebel group whose aim is to secede from the Philippine Republic. It has not acquired belligerent status that otherwise would entitle it to certain rights and recognition likened to that of separate state. Not even, and before the time that this archaic notion had faded from the international law scenery, Belligerency is an obsolete concept and for quite a time...