The Willing Prey
History is a cycle; it perpetuates itself time and again, capitalizing on human weakness and the gullibility of the uninformed and the misinformed. It is akin to a hammer that persistently pounds on an unmoving nail till it sink way over its head. Imperialism, Hegemony, and Colonization are old cliché, and they always refer to one thing... Dominance. The imperialist of the modern times find it less costly to employ soft power to achieve control and dominance, and that what OBOR is all about. China ’s One Belt, One Road (OBOR) initiative will be the modern equivalent of China ’s Silk Road , established more than 2000 years ago. The Silk Road was a web of trade routes that had connected China to the countries in the Middle East, and certain parts of Asia . Its sole objective then was to market Chinese Silk beyond its border. The OBOR on the other hand, is partly and similarly aimed, to create a network of infrastructures like roads, railways, roads, pipelines, and utility gri...