The Sea- West of the Philippines and That Wall Eyed Media

Someone told me that wall eyed is ron-pari in Japanese. One eye is looking at Rondon and the other at Paris.

As the crisis drags on and vicious military spending gradually and steadily magnifies across the waters west of the Philippines, there is but a surface knowledge on the part of the Philippine populace on what is going on and why it is so. The prevailing attitude may be characterized as uncaring, disinterested, uninvolved, and lukewarm- in a day …to sadly.. forever cold.

Are these attitude demonstrative of a vacuum in patriotism over the hearts of this nation, or is it something else?

Curiosity brought me to the phrase “ Scientia Potentia Est ( Knowledge is Power)”. Could it be that the culprit is sheer ignorance? Ignorance brought about by a disconnection between media and the majority of the populace at the lower half of the social echelon, on matters that does not directly affect their livelihood and daily existence, such as issues on national and economic security like the west of Philippine Sea dispute. An issue that is well-being addressed by the current government both in diplomatic and military terms. Logically, failure in diplomacy may result to war and necessarily may cause the nation to send their sons and daughters to the fangs of death and destruction. But before this things could ever or even happen the nation in toto must be well -informed and educated (to the extent possible) on where it stand, where it is going and where it needs to go even before the day of reckoning.  It is the responsibility of the government and the media to establish that connection. To disseminate the importance and value of disputed territories to the nation’s economic security and prosperity, which is no more important than national dignity and sovereignty. That wall-eyed media must focus and devote more perpetual time on matters of national and vital importance…to those that may affect the existence of the nation as it is and what it should be, in at least half of the hours, days and sometimes weeks of exploring movie trivia’s, political leanings and personal animosities among celebrities.

The objective is “burning coal” awareness, so that the people will know what is expected of them. They know what they will support and what they will have to sacrifice. A common bond will cure in to a common goal. There will be lesser protest actions and civil disturbances because they are empowered with knowledge. That knowledge will stimulate logical reasoning and self- justification that will inevitably lead to the identification of the part with the whole. This alone will guarantee half-success towards any national goal.

The wall-eyed media must and should really undergo a process of renewal, evolving in to a mature and responsible member of the nation. It has to. It has the power to stir emotions… to break heart and minds… to destroy a nation’s values. The wall-eyed media must strive to rather build and kindle the fire of patriotism in the hearts and mind of the nation and sustain it forever. Because, yes, it is there, in the heart, it is innate. But it has to be lighted. A well lit patriotic heart will burn forever. And the government will need those burning heart to lead the nation to what lies ahead.


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