The Light Dispersed

Almost everyone was petrified upon seeing Manny Pacquiao hit the canvas face down. Manny’s arms were limp before that fall, indicating that he had a total lost of consciousness even before he keeled over. Everybody was asking in muted fashion, “what happened?”

Well, I believe that the same people that wondered what happen did actually saw it coming. It is just difficult for them to face with candor the end of the path Manny Pacquiao has been taking.

Manny Pacquiao had multi-tasked. He took roads heading towards directions that do not intersect. Roads that are distant from each other, unrelated destinations…at most perhaps in some ways, and even more were opposite from each other. He even tried to do it within the same time frame, and along the way it drained him. It consumed and confused him. He had lost his priority. He faltered and it diminished the consistency of his grip. He  lost focus…like a light that loses heat when dispersed. It was and it is a gospel truth, no one can ever served two masters.

Lots can be learned from this, don’t you think?


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