The Philippines and the concept of Naval Guerilla Warfare

Figuratively, the Philippines is teething when it comes to conventional weapons and equipments, and it may take a long time coming to achieve its goal of a credible external defense posture principally due to budgetary contraint brought about among others by ineptitude in geopolitical affairs. On the desperate side of urgency however, there is a means to achieve parity in case of conventional attack by a stronger and powerful opponent, and that is to adapt a cost effective and relevant doctrine of asymmetric warfare at sea. Geographically, the Philippines is strategically situated. It has 7107 islands whereupon more than 5000 of which are uninhabited. It has 36,289 kilometers of external and internal coastline, and given its proximity, the Philippines on its own can deny ingress or egress at the South China Sea by selectively and discreetly transforming any of the uninhabited islands and pertinent coastlines into missile carrier and utilize them as launching platform for medium and l...