Politic king and Guns

… all government authority emanates from them (the people)…

… no person shall be deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of law…

The foregoing constitutional provisions are explicit, clear and concise. Any subjects under it are entitled to life liberty and property. It is a birthright and hence, cannot be licensed, limited or negated for whatever purpose and reason by anyone. It is an individual right; it is unconditional and personal; it is not collective. The government therefore in the exercise of their delegated authority is morally and legally obligated to uphold and protect these rights with utmost diligence and care while performing their sacred mandate. In this light, it is appalling to note that certain known politicians indirectly attacks these rights to portray themselves as morally upright, sensible, all knowing and concerned while riding on every popular and controversial issues  that comes their way. Their tyrannical upbringing afforded an attitude that projects the people from whom their authority emanated  as some naive goats that can be led by the nose to where they please; a bunch of cows that can be herded whenever they choose; a confuse colony of ants that cannot fend for itself without a queen. They were so reeked with the scent and juice of power that it had caused them to acquire a make believe sense of superiority over the same people that exalted them. They are wide awake on theorems and suppositions but had slept on actual, practical and factual. They believe that your right to life is to be protected only inside your home; they believe that like GOD, the government is omnipresent; they believe that criminals will obey them; they believe that them and only them can think and decide what is best for you.  They create and execute ordinances, rules, regulations, laws and procedures that by “gradualism” had curtailed the very right they were tasked to further…and through “semantics” had labeled them differently so as to dissuade recognition, resistance and rejection. It is and was a treacherous act when one is entrusted with power and authority, but had recklessly exercised them instead to self–perpetuation-(ad nauseam) while ignoring his primordial responsibility. People be aware; be on guard, and be wary of these politicians.  They don’t really care, they just want to be there… in power... forever. Otherwise, a day may come that your right to life, liberty and property will just be but on paper.


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