The Philippines, Rich man…Poor man…
It is no secret, and history will tell us that the Philippines since the Spanish era has yet to cross the verge from poverty principally due to manipulation and monopoly by foreign and local power of its resources. Old phrases such as tobacco monopoly, the mining monopoly, the parity rights, the levies and so on had brought undue misery and hardships. The inequality and the disparaging utilization of the Philippine natural resources in favor of foreign power and the elite had precluded genuine progress. And here now comes the present, with the dwindling wealth and resources in the west the powers of the east and west is racing back towards Africa and South-East Asia to renew and introduce a new brand of colonization using the same old but time proven and effective gun boat diplomacy. The Philippines is again stunned, bewildered by the display of might and military power. In the same way their native ancestors had been awed before them. It was because the Philippine’s has faile...