China’s Psyops and Disinformation at the East and South China Sea
Never in the history of warfare
that a conquering force had telegraphed its planned military action. Since all
wars were fought and won not only by sheer strength but also by deception, the
Chinese state media’s announcement to the world that it is preparing to take Zhongye
Island or Pagasa
Island as known in the Philippines
should cast doubts on China ’s
advertised intention. Given that an element of surprise is essential in winning
a battle or a war for that matter the baffling question is why would the
Chinese tell that it will make a kiss,
so to speak. One can only guest that maybe it is China ’s
means to bluntly exhibit its objection to the planned upgrading of the island’s
air and port facility by the Philippine government, or perhaps China
has engaged itself to launch a psychological operation to test the waters of
the East and South China Sea . They want to assess how Japan ,
the Philippines
and the United States
would react. How will the contending forces deploy, and what, from and where.
What would be the reaction lead-time? Is there an existing coordinated defense
plan against China
by the United States
and its Asian allies? Will the United States
actually intervene? …to what extent? …or not at all? Is it business…to propel
arms sales? Is it an attempt to create a climate of uncertainty to scare
business and investors away from Japan
and the Philippines
with the end in view of creating economic turmoil that could impact negatively on
defense spending?
Is it possible that China
is creating a diversion? …for what purpose? Much can be speculated from China ’s
actuation that could be safely regarded as just that in the absence of the Chinese government's official denial. On that cue, one thing has become clear to
certain, China
has a master plan and its execution may have just started and to assume otherwise would be against the side of prudence, as such, the intelligence community must keep their candle burning.
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