Envisioning the Philippine Navy's SeaBees Fleet

The Philippine Navy is set to acquire two brand new frigates for 18 billion pesos. This will be in addition to two used Hamilton cutters recently acquired from the United States . That would sum to four the Philippine navy’s frigate fleet by 2018. Before that time and during 2014- 2017 a lot could transpire while the Philippines is in a defense vacuum at sea. The apprehension of many Filipinos is that the course of Philippine Navy’s acquisition is seemed to be unresponsive, and patterned after that of the world superpowers whose intent and purpose is relatively more complex. Destroyers, carriers and frigates are essential battle equipment of those whose aim is to project power beyond their borders. These are large and expensive machineries fitted with expensive electronic devices to enable their operators to export chaos in any part of the world. Their sheer size and complexity entails more cost in maintenance and operation. These type of ships is expeditionary, as suc...