The Hunger for Heroes
The Philippine's
inability to maintain its sovereignty is a conspicuous mark, that it has yet to
regain the collective consciousness towards nationalism, not necessarily in relation to its current
predicament with China,
but more importantly with the neo-colonial mindset, that since time immemorial had hindered economic freedom and consequently true independence. Ensuing, is the need for heroes to
lead it out of its current state of socio-political confusion and cultural disarray, towards genuine economic and political freedom.
It unconsciously longed for perpetual and fresh heroes, that would validate its worth in the
community of nation. It's hunger for heroes is insatiable and wanting, to the
point of owning every winners as its own, even those that has little traces to its own
blood, while at the same time idolizing and parading the home-grown and the true bloodied ones. Its vigorous
and joyous attempt to be identified with Filipino winners reveal the missing
qualities that it craved for itself, qualities that it felt is needed to
achieve success, acceptance and communion with others. It needed heroes to
parry negative branding; to annihilate individualistic and racial
prejudice that degraded its self-esteem and dignity. Heroes that would provide hope in
times of daily adversity, poverty, hardships and uncertainty. Heroes that would validate the virtues and morals it stood for. Heroes that would symbolized justice and fair play,
that otherwise would forever be a mere fiction from where it stood. Heroes that would bestow it
a set of new standard to aspire for, and the strength of spirit to achieve them. Heroes that; would entertain the weariness in its soul, would lighten the burden in its mind, would nourish its heart with gladness when they all manifested as a reality in its own midst. The Philippine's is hungry for heroes and everyday it waited with anticipation, without realizing, that
the hero is within, it is embodied, the tenacity and persistence in character; the genuine love for
life and others; altruistic and sacrificing; courageous and enduring, its all
there, the character of a hero. But it has to be freed with spontaneity and collectivity, it must reveal itself through re-discovery.
It has been imprisoned for so long by the bubbles of colonial mentality, fatalism, clanism and the so called misplaced morality of the slave. Bubbles than can only be burst
open by the forged pin of nationalism. It has been said, pity the people who need heroes, when the heroes dwell in them.
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