Who's at the Gate

As fast as the time progress is the Chinese advances through reclamations at the West Philippine Sea. Soon basing infrastructure will be completed in the form of naval berthing facility;

air station and runways for Chinese fighter jets and surveillance drones; 

for radars that would enhanced coverage and weapons guidance; launching pads for surface to air or surface to surface missiles; 

logistical support facility, such as pier, warehouse and bunkers; convenient staging area for Chinese military and civilian vessels and aircraft, that would enable a sustain operation ever than before, hence, affording the luxury of perpetual presence.

It was reported that the reclamations are situated at a distance of 160-180 kilometers from the nearest Philippine coast, which is roughly equivalent to the distance of Pangasinan to Manila

These developments clearly erodes the Philippine’s geographical and military advantage. The Chinese is literally at the gate. What should necessarily follow is the Chinese coercion and total sea denial, at least, for Filipino vessels that use to operate in these waters. The Philippines is again under a foreign occupation but not too many Filipinos understood or are even aware of it, and apparently, many of them including the Filipino politicians could hardly give a damn.


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