The Pushovers

The United States and its allies have been watching with contempt the Chinese activities at the West Philippine Sea or the South China Sea. The wanton reclamation and destruction of marine eco-systems are simultaneous, progressive and unabated. Sooner than soon, those artificial islets will become unsinkable carriers, floating ports and formidable satellite military bases of the people’s navy and air force. The Chinese is not that far in succeeding with their plan to dominate those waters, and eventually they will gain control of everything around, above and beneath them. Theirs was the product of "the vampire bat approach", whereupon the prey is desensitized before siphoning their blood. The strategy has proven itself to be more effective than the Nazi Blitzkrieg. In fact, it was a deliberate, and is a subtle invasion that was effortlessly and gradually executed, yet unopposed and unchallenged. What must follow suit are flight restrictions and naval blockade, and there seems to be nothing that anyone can do to stop it. The Chinese is acting the days of Genghis Khan, Napoleon and Adolph Hitler. The difference is that they invaded sovereign waters instead of land, and China has been unhampered to the level that it had prepared itself to play. The Philippines, relatively… being the sick man of Asia in military terms has no alternative but to plea and complain to the world body, which turns out to be inutile and callous on the Philippine predicament. Inutile on the same tune that UNCLOS was. Uncle Sam can only growl and display its military prowess to impress its allies and the world, while at the same time prodding Japan and Australia to be its alter-ego at the South China Sea. The US can’t seem to do anything beyond that. The Chinese is aware as the Americans, that the United States economy and industry has a substantial stake to the former. Not to mention is that the Americans have yet to gain the moral ascendancy to challenge Chinese aggression based on the UNCLOS, which the former refused to ratify and sign. Another important factor is that the American public is sick and tired of conflict… of war for that matter…, that had perpetuated beyond human tolerance and understanding. They now question the so called virtues like patriotism and courage. They view with uncertainty and suspicion as to who is the real beneficiary of fulfilling democratic commitments, the furtherance of national security and the assertion of American interest that were use to justify war overseas, which had caused millions of lives and incalculable suffering. Consequentially is that beyond the unspoken words and handshakes, the confidence of American allies is likewise eroding to the level of doubt. Doubt on the value of the US government’s rhetoric/s. Indications are pointing to the future that China will be allowed to dominate, and perhaps prevail over the other claimants as long as the United Stated can have a share of the free passage. All hands are tied, and by the dictates of circumstances, it is apparent that the Philippine’s is not the only pushover in the South China Sea.


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