Cost or Cause
The military budget that was intended for shore based missile and rocket system was realigned towards deferment per approval of President Aquino based on the recommendation of his military top brass. Accordingly, the said budget that amounts to PHP 6.5 billion will be use instead to procure body armors and helmets. The military had justified the need for those equipments to protect its personnel from the increasing use of Improvised Explosive Device (IED) by the insurgents in Mindanao and elsewhere where the New Peoples Army is currently operating. That decision had caused a stir in the social media that in summary had mirrored frustration and anger particularly among the followers of the AFP modernization. Beyond the action and reaction however, the meaning of the announcement was more telling. The AFP and the current administration, maybe unwittingly, is telling the Filipino people, China, its allies and the interested world that its political will won't go beyond diplom...