What is that animal called Federalism?

Will it finally tame the voracious Filipino politicians or will it suck the remaining bond that adheres the Filipinos to one flag? Much has been told about Federalism while the process is being shoved to the Filipino's soring throat. A few have attempted to interpellate its effect on society as a whole, and down the line to the ordinary Juan de la Cruz, but they seemed to be out of focus. Federalism is essentially a departure from the unitary system, wherein government power is centralized. Federalism is basically a form of government that allows power sharing among the states created with the federal government. Each state will have its own legislature, judiciary, and executive component, independent and separate from that of the Federal government. So much so that each state can enact its own laws, impose its own taxes, maintain its own police force and army as the case may be. It can formulate its own economic agenda and policies, execute them to the extent that it will be beneficial to the state's interest foremost and the country eventually. It mimics the power of the central government under the unitary system, though on a smaller scale so to speak. The intention is to give each state a freehand to charter its own course towards economic independence, just society, happiness and well being for its constituency. Such are among the many promises under the Federal system of government, a selling point driven by its proponent to the unprepared and uninformed mind of the unsuspecting citizenry. It is an end to justify the means, the amendment, and overhauling of the Philippine constitution.

It is like buying a large furniture that won't fit inside the house, hence, it becomes necessary to destroy the house so that the furniture, large as it is, can be accommodated. The imperfection in this analogy approximates the imperfection of the justification in amending the Philippine constitution. One has to see that the danger does not lie in changing the form of government per se, rather, one has to focus on the whimsical obliteration of the Philippine charter..., the mangling of the constitution less inspired by patriotism but more of personal interest. Any form of government, whether its parliamentary, federal, republic, etc., have its own weakness and strength. Each has its own positivities and negativities. The adoption of a form of government that would fit the Philippine peculiarities, like regionalism, clanism, and tribalism is less critical than the resulting change that might occur in the substance that is the charter which guarantees the preservation of national sovereignty, freedom, protection, and rights of every citizen. It must be the substance over form. The Federal system of government that its proponent wants to adopt must suit the conditions of the existing Philippine Charter. The template of the Federal form should be revised if it does not fit and runs counter to the guarantees of the constitution, not the other way around. To do otherwise, would reveal the real intent and motivation in introducing the change in the form of government. Again, to discard the constitution.

It's the substance, not the form. In the case of the planned shift from a unitary system to federal system, both systems are merely forms in government, but if the same breed of politicians is the substance that will still fill this new form, will there be change, for the better, as promised? What would the water be like when you pour it into a wine glass from a water pitcher? Will the taste be better? Will the color be clearer? It's the same thing with politics and government. No matter what form of government is adopted, it will have the same result if not for the worse, if the same crop of politicians will continually populate this so-called new form of government. More concerning is that under the federal system, these politicians will have enormous power similar to that of a president, or to that of a supreme court chief justice, not to mention, the power to maintain and manage the state purse among many others. 

In the case of the constitution viz a viz the proposed federal form of government, the former is the substance that must be preserved and institutionalized, while the latter may be adapted to fit into that same written Filipino aspiration. Apart from this, it's a no deal.


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