Freewill and Destiny

When I was a boy, my father used to say, "destiny not freewill, freewill not destiny". I have not forgotten those phrases as it occassionaly crosses my thoughts along my way. Accordingly, in my years of spiritual search, I may have found the reconciliatory statement regarding those phrases. Freewill is the most precious gift given by the divine to man. Its the freedom to choose. It is known as the power of the intellect. While destiny in spiritual sense is the divine plan for man. Are they different? 

The difference lies in that destiny is preordained. It is the purpose for which an individual creation were brought into being. Some regard it as the calling. It is GOD's path that man need to cross. It is a journey towards GOD's plan for each man. However, the divine source has given man the power to choose, he may take an alternate path, a diiferent road. Man is free to deviate from GOD's purpose to earthly cause because he treat each man as children, not slaves. Confusing is how will an individual know which is GOD's path? How will he know that in his exercise of freewill he already drifted from his intended and pre-ordained purpose? His destiny? Each man were gifted with some level of competence though they differ they were aimed to fulfill certain purpose. A tool that he may exploit and employ to serve humanity to the pleasure of our creator. Like the fingers of the hand that differ in size and lenght but are equally essential to the hand. Individual talents and core competence may be a clue towards the path that each may take to serve not oneself but humanity. The "word" brings enlightenment, and we may use it to light our way. To align our freewill to GOD's will, to our destiny that is bound to be fulfilled no matter what. We may miss it in thtis lifetime or the next, but we will always be back till its done. Who among us are willing to be back to do it all over again? The deja vu.


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