
The Battle

The spiritual battle is raging, persistent and unwavering, it has been so for centuries, but the spiritual assault has intensified and has never been so pronounced. The evil one is everywhere, he has infiltrated the mind, the very manifestation of the soul. Rites and rituals that glorifies his name were guised as entertainment, while the unsuspecting had unknowingly participated. He fomented egocentricity. His bait are power, fame, and fortune. His pole is long and far reaching, seducing insatiable greed and constant obsession for materialism. He is gnawing away the very foundation of faith while building upon it the new idealism centered upon man with the exclusion of God. He patiently crept in all fronts, from within to without, he distracted the mind, triumphantly, he redefined want as need, consequently creating a massive hypnotic distraction, with the intent to veer all, away from the truth... from the true selves. He is leisurely tearing down the tie towards heaven. His weapon

The gray zone

Article 5 of the 1951 mutual defense treaty states that an armed attack—which would compel one partner to come to the defense of the other—includes an "armed attack on a metropolitan territory of either of the parties or on the Island territories under its jurisdiction in the Pacific Ocean, its armed forces, public vessels or aircraft in the Pacific." The recent incident when China coastguard attacked and robbed a Phil. Navy vessel with axes knives and spears may well fall within the Article 5 of the mutual defense treaty. In recent separate pronouncement however, by Marcos and Sec. Austin, the attack must result to a dead Filipino before the treaty can be invoke, which in my opinion had changed the context of the provision. This seems to indicate that the US has no keen intention of confronting China for the South China sea or the West Philippine Sea. It is more apparent that all the preparations and prepositioning in the Pacific by the US forces are intended primarily for t

Is there truth in the picture?

 These quotes may no longer be true today. "Pictures don't lie"; "A picture paints a thousand words". Its amazing and at the same time concerning how pictures and videos can be almost totally manipulated to suit the taste; to change the paradigm on captured images. The applications entailing artificial intelligence came in droves that tends to overwhelm the senses, making one pause in disbelief and confusion. Why they can even make a stagnant images move and sing in well coordinated fashion.. Some don't require a green screen anymore to alter a scenario. Absolutely entertaining but at the same time fearsome and spine chilling. The trend and speed by which a recorded situation may be altered to perfection can and may change the truth behind every images and videos. It can revise or replace history to shape the present and the future. It can modify a culture in a short span of time. It can reform belief and traditions. Destiny may no longer be by choice but

Freewill and Destiny

When I was a boy, my father used to say, "destiny not freewill, freewill not destiny". I have not forgotten those phrases as it occassionaly crosses my thoughts along my way. Accordingly, in my years of spiritual search, I may have found the reconciliatory statement regarding those phrases. Freewill is the most precious gift given by the divine to man. Its the freedom to choose. It is known as the power of the intellect. While destiny in spiritual sense is the divine plan for man. Are they different?  The difference lies in that destiny is preordained. It is the purpose for which an individual creation were brought into being. Some regard it as the calling. It is GOD's path that man need to cross. It is a journey towards GOD's plan for each man. However, the divine source has given man the power to choose, he may take an alternate path, a diiferent road. Man is free to deviate from GOD's purpose to earthly cause because he treat each man as children, not slaves. C


Given the intensifying situation at the West Philippine Sea, the lawmakers should instead move to remove any legal impediments that preclude the exercise of other viable options available, as offered by other countries.The backlog in the AFP modernization program is not a joke. The practice of procuring conventional weaponry through "tingi-tingi"(piecemeal) is a joke. It is indicative of ineptness and alienation on the part our lawmakers. They were oblivious to the unfolding scenario. The least they can do is align the law to the current paradigm and/or secure an emergency funding to implement and further the law which is the AFP modernization act. Shape up your honors.

The Irony

The Jews were discriminated, incarcerated, victimized, oppressed, humiliated and killed by the Nazi. Those that survived the holocaust suffered terribly to persistent nightmares and trauma. They were broken and since then were no longer the same. They felt that they were no longer human beings, strip of that dignity. The irony is that they were doing the same thing to the Palestinians.

Chosen by men?

My people will live in peaceful dwelling places, in secure homes,in undisturbed places of rest.- - - - -Isaiah 32:18 The Jews were the chosen people even before Christ was born. It is claimed that they have returned and are now settled in the relatively young State of Israel, that is supposedly the promised land. But Isaiah 32:18 made a guarantee of peace and security. Incontravention however, the State of Israel has been besieged by threat of violence, death and destruction eversince it was it possible that the place where the State of Israel is situated is not the land that GOD intended for them? Is it also possible that its present inhabitants predominanly were not the chosen? What do you think? Comments are welcone.