Whose Balls Will Fall

The creeping Chinese advances in the South China Sea are a test of resolve. For the Chinese it is a litmus test. What will be the reaction on the unilateral action by China? How far can China proceed towards its mission to established dominion over this potentially oil rich territories? How much of the reaction can China tolerate without crossing the red line? Well, the Vietnamese has clearly sent their message. The lone Vietnamese coastguard ship, slugging it out with larger Chinese vessels and the recent violent outrage in Vietnam resulting to 20 deaths and destruction of Chinese facilities clearly manifested the Vietnamese resolve.

Vietnam and its people were battered by almost a century of war. Their minds and hearts are yet to forget the horrors of those wars, but their spirit has not tired. Though weary, it’s rising up again to project the love for a country that has barely rubbed off the ashes from its feet. No doubt that more than anybody else, the Vietnamese longs for peace and prosperity. But they know that peace has to be guarded and if need be nourish with lives. They had proven it before and with certainty they will prove it again. Kudos to the Vietnamese!!!!


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