
Showing posts from 2017

Venezuela and the Petrodollar

Venezuela's decision to abandon the petrodollar is a necessity. Every sovereign nation has the right to chart its own course. Premise given, the US sanctions against Venezuela is an act of war. Venezuela 's action to abandon the petrodollar that has rendered its currency to worthlessness. is a desperate act of self-defense, mainly to preserve what is left. It is a question of survival. It is not about China, people have rights no matter what their leanings are, to eat and survive. The currency basket is not limited to US Dollars. There are the Euros, the Sterling, the Yen, and recently the Renmimbi. Selling its oil other than the Us Dollar could theoretical help in alleviating its present situation. Why then the US and possibly the west hates Venezuela, it is because Venezuela won't sell their oil at a price dictated by the west and on top of that, Venezuela charges 16 percent royalties from the previous 1 percent for its oil since the nationalization of its oil industry. ...

The Willing Prey

History is a cycle; it perpetuates itself time and again, capitalizing on human weakness and the gullibility of the uninformed and the misinformed. It is akin to a hammer that persistently pounds on an unmoving nail till it sink way over its head. Imperialism, Hegemony, and Colonization are old cliché, and they always refer to one thing... Dominance. The imperialist of the modern times find it less costly to employ soft power to achieve control and dominance, and that what OBOR is all about. China ’s One Belt, One Road (OBOR) initiative will be the modern equivalent of China ’s Silk Road , established more than 2000 years ago. The Silk Road was a web of trade routes that had connected China to the countries in the Middle East, and certain parts of Asia .  Its sole objective then was to market Chinese Silk beyond its border. The OBOR on the other hand, is partly and similarly aimed, to create a network of infrastructures like roads, railways, roads, pipelines, and utility gri...

Ten Naval Carriers for the Philippine Navy?

It’s not improbable, in fact, it’s possible and doable. In about three years the Philippine Navy may be able to possess a number of naval carriers as arsenal ships or as platforms for anti-ship missiles, surface-to-air missiles, Long Range Multiple Launch Rocket System (LR-MLRS) and helicopters, if and only if, the Philippine Navy, and the government at large, will abandon the tenets of orthodoxy and traditionalism in the procurement of military assets. Hence, in the process of reinventing itself, it may find prudence and the practicality, of using the hulls and superstructures of five to ten years old merchant ships, available for sale in the world market. The size and dimension of which, may depend on its intended purpose. The Strategic Sea Lift Vessels (SSV) procured from Indonesia ’s PT PAL had cost the Armed Forces roughly around US$ 160 million; both SSV has an average length of 123 meters. The equivalent amount of money which may be allotted for future SSV may largely be use...

Why Russia’s BMP3 Infantry Fighting Vehicle is the best option for the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP).

Any avenue of approach in a war zone is a kill zone, be it an urban pave-ways or rural settings. The AFP have been sustaining unusually high casualties, resultant of inadequate armor and fire support. Individual infantry men were fully exposed while in marches on unfamiliar terrain towards the insurgent’s lair. Military vehicles have to traverse enemy territories without the security of protective armor (metal plates, chopped tree-trunks mounted on side of vehicles, sand bags, etc.).  Corollary, essential intelligence can easily be obtained in advance through aerial reconnaissance even before convoys proceed towards its destination. While the latter can be provided by available and inexpensive technology like drones, its utilization had remained an exception rather than the rule. Insurgent’s stationery bunkers/ fortifications greatly offset the AFP’s numerical advantage, that otherwise can easily be eliminated by an explosive blast. Sniper behind hard cover, like the inside of bui...

Angel of GOD

” Angel of GOD. My guardian dear, to whom GOD’s love commits me here, ever this day, be at my side, to light and guard, to rule and guide”. This is a prayer that Christians, mostly Catholics had mastered since childhood. It was a prayer muttered or said aloud before bedtime, mostly by children. Its essence was to seek comfort while in a journey to rest, while the body is helpless and prostrate. The thought of somebody watching around when the body is in its most defenseless state was and is indeed comforting. It was a call for an unseen entity presumably task by GOD to perform the functions uttered in the prayer, among others. Upon reaching adulthood the prayer faded to space. The lost of interest in the prayer could be because of personal pride, it was regarded as childish. It diminished the perception of independence and strength. Though deep inside, there is this longing for angels, it was discreetly called for help, there is a constant plea for its attention, especially at the ...

Does the part represent the whole?

The current administration is voicing its intention to re-establish the defunct Philippine Constabulary (PC), which, according to them, will be manned by people from the Armed Forces. What does the intention suggest? Maybe just maybe, there was a lost of confidence, and doubt ensues on the part of the president in as far as loyalty. discipline and the ability of the police force to fulfill the mandate on the war against drugs. One cannot teach old dog new tricks so to speak. If ever, it will take some time, with accompanying uncertainty on the outcome that may prove beyond measure. And time is a luxury that this administration can't afford in relation to its promises, especially now that International human rights advocates had started to breathe behind their necks. Probably, the PC proponent may have found it logical to create another national police thru the PC, maybe, with the hope that things could restart with a clean slate, via indoctrination and redirection. But there could...