Angel of GOD

” Angel of GOD. My guardian dear, to whom GOD’s love commits me here, ever this day, be at my side, to light and guard, to rule and guide”.

This is a prayer that Christians, mostly Catholics had mastered since childhood. It was a prayer muttered or said aloud before bedtime, mostly by children. Its essence was to seek comfort while in a journey to rest, while the body is helpless and prostrate. The thought of somebody watching around when the body is in its most defenseless state was and is indeed comforting. It was a call for an unseen entity presumably task by GOD to perform the functions uttered in the prayer, among others. Upon reaching adulthood the prayer faded to space. The lost of interest in the prayer could be because of personal pride, it was regarded as childish. It diminished the perception of independence and strength. Though deep inside, there is this longing for angels, it was discreetly called for help, there is a constant plea for its attention, especially at the lowest ebb of one’s life. Anxiously, men waited and hoped for its manifestation. But what if the guardian angels do exist in the physical realm? Men, young and old alike, sought and had needed the comfort of guidance and nurturing, and GOD in the most mysterious and benevolent ways, had provided each one of us a guardian to show us through this physical world, even from the onset of our physical existence. Men had looked upon the non- physical world for angels, they had waited and still waiting for the unseen. But they are here with men all along, the angels. Yes, you and I have angels, each and every one of us. They were commissioned to nurture you … to guide you … to rule over you, to light your path, they are the de-facto guardian angels, and it is the mothers …, your mother. Even when she's gone, her words and wisdom will remain, in your heart, in your mind. It will be the guiding light that will see you through the pilgrimage of life. It will be the unseen that you desperately sought for, the spirit of light, benevolence and love. 


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