Head and tail

    There are two ways that the intermediate future could unfold, and it is in inverse relation with the individual's free persistence. It could either be progressive, or regressive. That is, concisely, in the context of how an ongoing and/or impending transformation could alter the personal status quo.

    Progressive, on the assumption that change will not be challenged beyond the board room. Change that although subtle and gradual, will cause a dramatic increase in dependency on government and technology to the point of societal parasitism. Formation of one unified economic policies, that encompasses the rise and use of cryptocurrency, elimination of protective trade barrier, instigated restructuring of socio-economic strata, to be comprised of the elite and the lower class. Mandatory microchipping of every living individual. Force vaccination. A massive deployment of monitoring devices. One unified ID system. Consolidation of all religions into one new world religion. Concretizing the idea that a sovereign state is obsolete. These are among the many components of a new system, slowly manifesting under everyone's noses, aggregately designed, to control everything and everyone, under a one-world government. An authority, which may decide by artificial selection, who may eat and who may starve. A central institution, which may determine who may be cured.  A council that may decide what ethnicity may be preserved. A world leadership that may undermine humanity for the sake of humanity. A government of absolute and far-reaching power.

    Regressive on the other hand, it is under that notion in which the transition may not be as smooth as planned. Resistance is a natural response to change, especially if most are enlightened, as to what really motivated the change, apart from its adversarial effect on an individual's freedom of choice. In the process of breaking that resistance, problem-solution will be introduced, in a form and time that fits the nature and extent of the resistance. This may include the initiation of simulations or artificial crises. Such as; calibrated war, the overthrow of a hostile government, epidemics, mega-disasters through weather manipulation, accelerated flooding with addictive and poisonous substances, and fomentation of constant fear among the populace. In any one of this scenario, the aim is to keep the populace in constant survival mode, physically and mentally, to the point of weariness and submission, which could lead to the eventual surrender of an individual's liberty to the dictates and whims of the new order. A demonstrative example is how the covid19 pandemic affect the individual's disposition to the degree of helplessness. The feeling of helplessness conditioned them to embrace any cure that the pertinent authorities will endorse. Hence, a vaccine that should normally take 5 years or so of pre-trial and validation, may be accepted by the general population as is, and instantly without hesitation. The problem in this situation is the virus, and the solution is the vaccine. There is a fitting Filipino saying, "kapit sa patalim" meaning "cling on to the blade". And this is the kind of reaction and behavior that the globalist would want to achieve from the targeted population. It may occur, at this juncture, that some people will regress to the old ways of life, as a means of escape, by abandoning the comfort and discomfort of the present and the unfolding system. In so doing, they will have to relive the ways of their forefathers. But first,  they have to learn them. Those who can't and won't have to accept and live the new era of total control over all aspects and circumstances of their personal life.

    Probably to most, the writer of this narrative is a fool. Maybe so, by the same token that all the recent president of the United States, the prime ministers of Britain, and China's president, had vocally advocated for a new world order in one way or another, the papal interfaith masses being occasionally held since decades ago, and the papacy's careful and deliberate move towards the unification of all religion, through the re-indoctrination of the youth towards the idea of new humanism, which centers on the self, a move that is supposed to start in May 2020. The continuing summits of the G7, G8 and the G20 discussing the style and leadership of the new order. The why and what, of the real motive behind the creation of the United Nation, and the ongoing experiment called the EU, among many more.

    The head and tail are unfurling, and it is attesting to what is forth and coming. The nobility of their purpose is and will be laid before every unsuspecting mind, which is intended as a distraction, rather than a justification. Geopoliticians will display disagreement and discordance to lure the subject's consciousness away from the treacherous reality, that the die is cast. But let us be reminded that each one was given the power of the intellect, the power to discern, the freedom to choose, and the right to act in accordance with that choice. It was granted not by men, but by his creator. It is of divine source and can't be taken unless allowed to be taken, by yielding that same power by which it can be preserved.


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