I am that

am that I thought I am not;

Nothing less than the speck of the Divine;

Created in their likeness, born In their consciousness;

Time and again I was sent here to learn;

To take on a new garment, to mirror Christ consciousness;

The cycle made me believe that this is my home; but it is not;
I am not from this place;
I am from everywhere;

I am an ember, that once dwell in the eternal flame, a spark from the greatest perpetual light, yet undiminished;

I am a being that has been part of the all, even before my eartlhy beginning;

I came from the source of all sources... I am part of the ALL;

I came from the ONE that has no beginning and no end;

I am eternal as he, the FATHER, for I am a parcel of HIM as everyone else;
I faltered, I was on a slumber, but in his time I will shine beyond this garment;

When brightness finally took away my darkness, he will let me come home ... to join the great light...one with his perpetuity... one with his glory.


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