A Ploy to Dissension

Political parties, supposedly are embodiments of two or more collective ideas to achieve common goals through the use of political power. Such goals are essentially impersonal and necessarily must be pursued with the general welfare in mind. Political parties, putatively are personification of conflicting or unparallel thoughts on the ways and means of achieving, oftentimes a similar objective. But how effective are the political parties in furthering the aspiration/s of the state and its people, when dissonance via party segregation becomes the norm and conduct to gain political power. Isn’t it illogical for a government of men to lead in discordant fashion even before they gain political authority? Men who among themselves have failed to resolve their discommonalities on how to handle the affairs of the state. How can homogeneity that necessarily must entail cooperation would come into being? How can it be possible to blend these men into one purpose, of managing and governing the state affairs with diligence and integrity? Should there really be an opposition? Are the political parties the answer to these questions, or is it the cause that precipitate the same?

Politics is a haven for the evilest of men and political parties are mere sectors of these men. Political parties are abstract segregation of false notions, populated by no different men. Never that one has seen the political parties to have advanced in truth their political goal as a collective institution of ideals for the betterment of the common men. If ever the latter becomes apparent, it is incidental and merely ancillary to the fulfillment of a greater but personal purpose. The political parties as it have shown by its true color are merely a tool to perpetuate disunity and conflict. Parties have become camps of personal alliances rather than being a bastion of righteous belief and principle. It is a fora to accumulate support to one’s personal greed for power, fame and wealth. The political parties is an instrument to constantly divide a nation. The politicians and their apparatus called political parties are the gullible agents of the real power. It is a ploy to weaken the government for the unseen hand of the greater lust to seize power. It is the door that will lead these powers to total dominion. 


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