Fraternities and paradoxes

The introduction of cruelty to be compassionate is a paradox because cruelty can never be associated with brotherly compassion.

The use of pain and suffering as a path to acceptance is a paradox because brotherhood is about making you whole.

To initiate through unlawful means like hazing is to corrupt at the onset, and hence a paradox, since the essence of brotherhood is guidance.

To promote hierarchy between initiates, observers and masters is a paradox since brotherhood is about equality.

To be a member of a fraternal association is in itself a paradox since true brotherhood is universal. It does not discriminate. It is founded on truth and not on color, creed or belief. Moreso, not on the body’s ability to endure pain.

Leaving a dead initiate to be found is a paradox since a brother does not abandon a brother. Come hell or high water they will be one. They are responsible for each other.

Here, then and now, comes the never ending stories of dead neophytes who had succumbed to injuries sustained during initiation and hazing. Their lifeless bodies laid and abandoned by the would be fraternal brothers who failed to realized that the neophyte had lost his life in the hope of being recognize as among them. But the fear of penalty for the criminal act causes the sense of comradeship to wither, such that they either have to cowardly deny participation or escape their guilt, away from brotherhood connection to live the life of a felon. The poor neophyte had never got the chance to realize the why’s and the’s, that leads to what?

The persistence of fatalities resulting from fraternity hazing sketches the distorted notion of fraternity or sorority. What seemed to be prevailing is the archaic and yet accepted norm in the fraternal circle. That is, the use of indiscriminate violence, institutionalized fear and induced humiliation to assert authority, beget respect, attract recognition and pledge of loyalty among its membership. As to how much success is achieved by the means is beyond perspective.

“You cannot shake hands with a clenched fist” – Indira Gandhi.

But what about the universal truth that the deeper essence of brotherhood lays on the common realization, that our differences is what makes us equal. That with humility we sought company to complement and be complemented in order to level that differences into homogeneity. Analogous to a hand that binds the five fingers although differing in size, shape and dexterity are well capable of performing composite function, such that similarly as inspired by this perfect and natural grand design, we may be able to toil under the inspiration of a common bond, while rendering our diverse talents and inherent abilities, towards the achievement of one aspiration.

In cognizance of this concept that is quintessential to genuine fraternal ism, there is hardly a place for the introduction of violence in inducting fraternal neophytes. The neophyte’s understanding and acceptance of the designated fraternal principles and goals is paramount. And as a means to test weather the neophytes has assimilated the fraternal organization's "raison d etre", an academic based program should aptly be introduced to measure his potential contribution, e.g. through a fraternal thesis, which will be challenge by the fraternity seniors for its substance and validity. It will constitute as the neophyte’s initiation towards acceptance or rejection. Once accepted the neophyte on probation will be required to play a major role in the execution of his concept/s in contribution to and in furtherance of the fraternal objectives. Indeed and still, there are multitude of means to validate a neophyte’s worthiness relative to the organizational parameters, but violence, intimidation and threat that may result to bodily harm. emotional injury, or death should never ever be among them. Unless, those who insist on its perpetration may want themselves to be perceived cheaply, as a gang of lost souls, that is hypocritically pretending to be a fraternity of civic minded and genuinely altruistic individuals who find the convenience and refuge behind the glamor of the Greek alphabet and symbols.


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