Emasculation of Justice

Altercating without end on legal trivialities and processes,
even in the way it was express and punctuated;

Defending personalities instead of the act;

Convicting less of the strong, and more of the weak;

Reckless prosecution and defending at all expense,
while disinterested on the prospect of guilt or innocence,
more so to its outcome which at worse, could
result to institutionalizing perilous precedence;

The open-ended arguments over technicalities,
that bears no meaning when contrasted with what is just and equitable;

Prime in value is to be recognize as a bona-fide champion of acquittal or conviction,
but not so much of justice.

Such are the realities that bears on legal representations of which has become impersonal, even remorseless on the prolongation of anguish and pain, while capitalizing on the same. Thus, as in dead winter, legal advocacy turned cold and predatory. Gone is the human side even before it was acquired. Men are punished even before they are convicted. Some are set free even before they are tried. Such are the fruits born of faults in the current advocacy and the system that patronizes it. A system that tolerates open intimacy between legal advocates and his client, not essentially in a personal and human sense, but necessarily in the quantum of business. Objectivity is lost when eyes meet the eyes, and when hands fill the pockets. Postponements are routine and pleas for bargaining abound. Legal representation and agents became brokers rather than interpreters of the legal maxim. It was, and is an enterprise, where the system finds a home. At last, justice is delayed on those who can afford it, and denied on those who can’t. 


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