Honoring Parentss

 Honor thy Father and thy Mother"was the fifth commandment given unto Moses. It is the commandment with an express mainstream benefit.

Exodus 20:12-."Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee".

Longevity in the promised land is the guaranteed reward for honoring the Father and the Mother. This is the literal connotation.

But the word of GOD has dual meaning, literal and spiritual. The word of GOD has both worldly and spiritual message, the former, was to facilitate basic understanding through direct correlation with typical circumstances that surrounded man's bodily existence, while the latter was the intended sense which man needs to focus on, in order to grasp GOD's true plan and purpose for each one.

So what is the spiritual equivalent of " Honor thy Father and thy Mother"? Long life? In the land given?

The Father, refers to our Father in heaven, the source, the light, the all. The Mother is the representation of the Holy Spirit. The long life is the life eternal in the place reserved for us, with the Father. "Thy" and "thee" is the non physical part of the tripartite man, which is the soul, manifested in the mind, that, which was enjoined by the commandment to abide towards the achievement and acquisition of GOD's consciousness through the words that had become flesh.

JESUS is the way, the truth and the life. GOD's words were conveyed through him and revealed to us. The way to honor our spiritual parent is to put them in high esteem by obeying GOD's words in thought and in deed. in the same idyllic manner perhaps, that we obeyed [sic] our earthly parents.

Wonderful isnt it? GOD'S word ... absolute! ...all encompassing!


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