Is it really about natural selection?

The pictures were taken from a mango tree. The first one showed the budding blossoms by the hundreds while the second showed the handful of fruits produced by those flowers, which was highly disproportionate, by any means. The first thing that came into mind was Charles Darwin's theory of "Natural Selection", "the elimination of the unfit and the survival of the fittest". Did the theory explain it? That the wide disparity between potentiality and actuality, specifically in the case of those mango flowers, was because most of those flowers were not strong enough to make it to the fruiting stage? Well, that is the essence of Darwin's theory, is it not? But what if we spray insecticides on those flowers? In most of the cases as we all know, most of the flowers will make it to the fruiting stage resulting to a larger number of harvest. But whatever happen to Darwin's theory? Human intervention can thwart Darwin's theory of natural selection, "the elimination of the unfit". It appears that all of those flowers were fit and equally strong to become a fruit. That outside forces, in this case the insects has been gobbling on the flowers, but when the insects were poisoned, the flowers regenerated into full blown mango. It was made to occur to me, the parallelism between those mango flowers and the process of human reproduction. Around 80 to 300 million sperm cell were released at any instance of reproductive act. If we lean on Darwin's theory, we may rest on the belief that the one in a million cell that had made it to the ovum was the strongest and the rest were weak, flimsy, feebled and whimpy. But the insecticide viz a viz the flowers may prove that to be untrue, isn't it? Is it possible that Darwin was not all throughout right? Is it impossible to believe that the quantities are of the same quality but of different purpose? That not all of the mango flowers were really meant to become fruit. That not all of the sperm cell were meant to fertiluze an egg. The cells, the flowers had came into being to serve various and equally important purpose. The sperm cells thrives in alkaline enviro at the ph level of 7. While the female reproductive passages are acidic with a Ph level of 4. Is it impossible to believe that the multi million sperm cells were meant to equalize the reproductive environment suitable enough for a sperm cell to reach the ovum.

Either it were meant to absorbed the acidity or dumped the alkanility along the way. It could be both. In the case of tha mango flowers and tor most of the plants., it is now obvious that the flowers were not at all intended to become mango fruit, it seems that nature as created had meant to reproduce for all, incluring small insects and tiny living organism. The produce is meant to cater to all, and not only to human consumption. There are others in the lower strata of the food chain that nature has to provide for. Its not actually a question of strenght or fitness by Darwin's theory, but rather of purpose. GOD has created everything into existence for a purpose, for balance and furtherance. Most of the time, human greed and implausible belief distort the balance and hinder furtherance, and sadly even to the point of extinction.


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