The shout for freedom.

Our world, the entire universe and beyond, undisputably, are governed by natural law. It is the law that maintains order and balance in all aspect of material existence. It is the natural order of things. Nothing can be added and nothing can be taken. Water ftom the ground will precipitate into rain, back to its origin. Wind will travel across the globe, in various headings, concentration, tempetature and strenght, but it remains constant and contained. Volcanic sand may roll down up to the ocean and river floor and back up to the shores and banks in constant relocation. Same with eroded mountain soil down to the valleys and plains. Likewise, man and other living things are mere subjects under this law. A man's body is made up of 60% water, and 40% cells and tissues, that all the same will join the precipitation and the eartly soil in time. What comes up must come down. These are all true even before the memories of time had came into being. Evolution involves mere transformation for purposes of adaptation and conformation to changes occuring within the bounds and subjects of natural law. Evolution itself, apparently is part of the natural law. Much has been done by man to influence the natural order of things, both tor illicit and licit purposes. But to no avail, what has been added by man in one place, the law deducted from other place, and vice versa. Man displaced the water by the sea, but the law simply raised its level. The natural law in essence is to perpetuate an orderly and systematic physical existence. Conformity is rewarded through furtherance, while deviation is penalized, all in each time.

But there is this persistent nature in man that is desirous of overcoming the bounds of the natural law. There is this nagging passion to crash that natural wall that limit his aspiration, imagination and existence. Man has the unsatisfying nature, subconsciously, he knows he is beyond the bounds. He knows he belong to somewhere else, in a happier and freer state. The knocking sense of estrangement bothered him. He become frustrated... disappointed, because of too many unanswered questions in his midst. He seek relief and distraction from all that what the material world can provide. He aspired for hallucination and drunkeness. He engaged in promiscuity, vices, and pretentious entertainment to find some answer or perhsps a momentary peace, to the degradation of his faculties and moral make up. And fail he will and failed he did. 

Man is corporeal and at the same time incorporeal. The nagging sense of estrangement is coming from the incorporeal self. Like a man shouting in the middle of the wilderness and space. He is crying for freedom and adoption. It is the incorporeal or the spiritual core in man that is voicing out the longing and upliftment, while it is the corporeal self that is looking for the way and the answer towards confusion and chaos in the totality of his being. The incorporeal self wanted freedom, but the corporeal cannot comprehend what kind of freedom does it so desire. The lust for freedom, which time by time, has become an obsession. 

What the incorporeal man earnestly sought is the freedom from the bondage of natural law, which was enacted by the source of the greatest and infinite light. It was ratified by the spirit that is of GOD. Such that only the spirit can free the incorporeal man, being in itself a spirit, borne from the bosom of his holiness. That being, the path to freedom is through the bridge made up in GOD's words and in a manner of speaking, man has to walk the talk. The bridge actually has a name.... its called Jesus!, he is way the truth and the life. 

 "So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed". - John 8:36.


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