The Innate Truth

Truth is inconvenient, painful, even devastating. A lot of us tend to look the other way, in denial, and would rather maintain falsehood as the truth, even though the latter is staring right before our faces. Truth is a luxury a few can afford, an intolerable threat to the ego. It challenged tradition and norms handed through generations. It negated and distrespected the wisdom of the old. It wobbled the very foundation of institutions. Truth were sought and accepted only by some at times when it becomes essential for survival. But the truth is... truth dwell in each man. It made up the man's inner core. Conscience is a manifestation of truth struggling to break free. If we want to search for truth, we should start looking into our innermost being.

"Even the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees him nor knows him. You know him, for he dwells with you and will be in you".

    -John 14:17.


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