The School

Biblical passages are proverbial and methaphorical. Likewise it is subliminal. It was addressed to the non-corporeal essence of man and much less to his corporeal aspect, for the latter is subject to the rigors and pain of the natural law. Biblical passages are guides for the spirit of man, akin to a road but methaporically paved by Jesus's blood. The road leading towards resurrection and salvation. It is not a set of laws being imposed upon man. Rather, it is instructional, a curriculum in the school called earth. It is the embodiment of the absolute truth. It is a divine providence. Man may choose to abide or he may choose to forsake. In methaporical sense his choice would result either to convocation or repetition.

 "As obedient children, do not be conformed to the passions of your former ignorance". - 1 Peter 1:14.


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