Its about Supremacy
"Although the pace of China's economic rise has slowed in recent years, it appears on track to end the United States' lengthy run as the world's largest economy by around 2035, according to the latest projection by economists at Goldman Sachs.Dec 9, 2022"
"The U.S. accounted for 24.7% of the global economy while China at around 18% in 2022 in nominal terms. meaning at current market price. On the other hand, in PPP (Purchasing Power Parities) terms, meaning calculated at equalized currency differences, the US accounted for 15.5%, and China at 18.6% of the global economy.
The significance of the foregoing figures is about the prediction that China could attain economic supremacy by 2035. By which time, it could achieve a 50% or more share in the total world GDP. When that happen the US Dollar may meet its end as a primary world currency and may be replace by the Chinese Yuan. By and large, such an event could bring a disastrous impact on US economy. Conscious of this possibility, the US may now be taking a more radical steps to derail or contain China's economic rise which may include, e.g.,denying it the full control and access to strategic sites like Taiwan, the Philippines and the South China Sea, which are part of the first island chain that are integral to China's belt and road initiative. An initiative towards the Chinazation of the world through soft power. It is not a remote possibility that the US may have been provoking a war with China towards a global reset, that may put China at dormancy, if not back to where it was, two or three decades ago, economically and militarily. Thus, putting or maintaining the US still at the helm of dominance. Its a wild assessment, and it may be wrong, but if its right, it has to be before 2035.
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